Latest Church News, Events & Vacancies

Current Vacancies

We are currently seeking a part time administrative assistant to support our two parishes. We seek someone with good organisational, secretarial and administrative skills. You will have excellent communication skills and be able to work with a small team of volunteers. You will be confident in using a computer including using databases and will be required to update our social media pages. For a full job description please e mail us on: or text 07730197656 with your contact details. Closing date 31st January 2025.

Hours are 8 per week worked over four days. References will be taken and you will need DBS clearance.

We are thankful……………..

All at St Cuthbert’s are enormously grateful to Mr Richard Holland for his work in organising the upgrade of our path through the memorial garden in memory of his dear wife Dorothy. This work has been completed at no cost to St Cuthbert’s thanks to the generosity of the civil engineering company Westshield and Richard. It has greatly improved that area of the Churchyard which leads into the new burial ground, Woodland View. Huge thanks to all involved.

Butterfly and Bees Group (the B’s) & Halsall Proud and Tidy

If you have the opportunity to spend some time in our gardens please take a moment to have a look at some of the changes that have been made by the B’s group of volunteers to encourage wildlife into the area and to provide safe havens for some of our more vulnerable little creatures. We have hedgehog houses and natural habitat piles with little drinking spots, a planting scheme is in progress of more pollinating plants and lots of bulbs. This last summer saw the first showing of our new wildflower area which was seeded by the group earlier in the year and which was amazing. The group is led by Clare Edwards and she and her husband Connor have done an amazing job both in the church grounds and in other areas around the village. Thank you so much Clare, Connor and all the volunteers who have helped!

The village Proud and Tidy group have also been working hard around the village and in and around the Church grounds. This group is led by Eleanor Wroe and Enid Banks and many of you will see Brian Lloyd and other volunteers carrying out a whole host of jobs keeping our village neat and tidy. Thank you to every one of them!

Please visit the Church Services page for the current months regular services and find below advance notice of our December itinerary.

Coffee Mornings at St Cuthbert’s

Coffee morning on the first Tuesday of each month at St Cuthbert’s in the choir vestry 10 am to 11.30am. Meet old friends and new and take the opportunity to have a quiet moment in Church.


Fit for Mission

Every Monday morning (except bank holidays) at 9.15am Morning Prayer across the Fit for Mission Parishes. All are welcome to join in. E mail Susan for the zoom link –

Visit the new Fit for Mission website: https//
